


Humberto Gregorio―Clan Cascabel

San Martin de Amacayacu―TICOYA

Hunter, knowledgeable of flora and fauna, local guide, grandfather of the knowledge council of the Tikuna community

Robinson Gregorio―Clan Cascabel

San Martin de Amacayacu―TICOYA

Guide and knowledgeable about flora and fauna, fisherman and local guide. Tikuna translator

José Gregorio―Clan Cascabel

San Martin de Amacayacu―TICOYA

Flora knowledge, fisherman and community leader Tikuna

Mamerto Antonio Gregorio―Clan Cascabel

San Martin de Amacayacu―TICOYA

Curaca, leader, traslator and local research Tikuna

Antonio Cayetano Sánchez.

Los Kilómetros―RITU

Malokero, grandfather of the knowledge council of the Uitoto community

Nicanor Morales

Los Kilometros―RITU

Hunter, knowledgeable of flora and fauna, local guide, grandfather of the knowledge council of the Uitoto community

Walter Torres Fariratofe

Los kilómetros―RITU

Hunter, knowledgeable of flora and fauna, local guide, Uitoto

Jesús Vargas

Los kilómetros―RITU

Hunter, knowledgeable of flora and fauna, local guide, Uitoto

Jesus Negedeka

Los Kilómetros―RITU

Hunter, knowledgeable of flora and fauna, local guide, Muinanecommunity

Celimo Negedeka

Los Kilómetros―RITU

Hunter, knowledgeable of flora and fauna, local guide, Muinane community

Ignacio Sánchez

Los kilómetros―RITU

Forest engineer student Universidad Distrital Francisco Jose de Caldas, Uitoto indigenous research.