Climatic Condition

Impacts to Soil Quality

Impacts to Crops

Impacts to Income




Root Crops


Extreme Heat

Dryness of soil

Cracking of soil

Soil becomes dusty

Good or better yield

Good income

No effect

Normal yield

Normal income

Dryness, early maturation, stunted growth,

No yield

No incomes

No effect

Normal yield

Normal income

Dryness, early maturation, stunted growth,

No yield

No incomes

Good or better income to abaca farmers

Normal income for coconut and root crop farmers

No income to vegetables and rice farmers

Extreme Rainfall

Soil is very wet and muddy

Soil becomes loose and cannot hold vegetables

No impact and good growth

Good yield

Virus attack (cadang-cadang)

Early falling of fruits and flowers

Rat infestation

Poor yield

Pest infestation

Poor growth and development

Poor yield

Stunted growth, molds infestation,

Decaying of crops

Poor yield

Washing out of vegetables

Poor growth and development

Poor yield

Molds and fungal infection

Low to no income for root crops, vegetables, rice and coconut farmers

Good income to abaca farmers


Wet and loosened soil, some parts are eroded and becomes infertile

Uprooting and destruction of crops

Partial to no yield

Falling down and decay of crops

Destruction of crops

Partial yield

Partial to total destruction of crops

Partial to no yield

Toppling down of crops

Smaller sizes of root crops

Partial to no yields

Toppling or washing away of crops

Partial to total destruction of crops

Partial to no yield

Low income for abaca, root crops, coconut farmers

No income to rice and vegetable farmers

Early Onset of Rainy Days

Moisture of soil is favorable to crops

Healthy growth of plants

Favorable for planting

Healthy growth of plants but fruits are smaller in size

Favorable for planting crops

Crops grow healthy

Crops grow healthy

Crops grow better

Better yield or good income for abaca, coconut and root crops

Low income for vegetables and rice farmers

Delay Onset of Rainy Days

Soil is dried

No impact

No impact

Unable to plant on time

No impact

Low crop yield

Income not affected

Prolonged Heat (El Nino)

Cracking and dusty soil

Drying of crops

Pest and viral attack

Reddening of leaves

Plants don’t mature

Drying of crops

Drying of crops

Pest infestation

Poor growth

Low to poor income

Prolonged Rain (La Nina)

Soil is muddy, nutrients are washed out result to poor soil quality

Good and favorable growth

Falling of fruits

Plants do not mature

Decaying of crops

No tubers production

Decaying of crops

Poor growth

Attack of molds

Good income for abaca farmers. Poor to no income for coconut, root crops, vegetables and rice