Toyola Fire Wood Stove

Made of scrap metal with ceramic liner.

Requires high degree of ceramic expertise, quality clay and assess to kiln.


Liner can also be used for fixed or portable clay stoves and are built into e.g. larger multi pot institutional stoves

Saving up to 60%

Approximately 9

Metal Stove

Made up of sheet metal

Not yet in circulation but is tested in Northern Ghana by the NGO, New Energy

Need for laboratory and field test.

Can also be used with saw dust



Envirofit B-1100

Industrial improved firewood stove

Lunched in India but on its way to several African countries.

Envirofit is an NGO based in Colorado, US. Development supported by the shell foundation and Colorado State University.

Portable, all biomass types can be used.

Produced in China

Savings up to 50%

Cost from 10 - 20 USD (from 500 - 100 Indian rupees)

Philips Smokeless Stove.

Industrialized improved firewood Stove.

Lunched in India by Philips in 2008 for a trial. Electronically controlled fan forces air through the stove leading to better fuel to air ratio.

Usable for small pieces of wood. Very low fuel consumption.

Smoke free and portable.

Produced in China.

Savings Up to 80%
