Variable | Symbol | Description | Statistics |
Enter Year | YEAR | Year for which applied | 2014 = 163; 2015 = 1612; 2016 = 1504; 2017 = 1336 |
Enter Term | TERM | Term for which applied | fall = 2833; winter = 1281; spring = 339; summer = 162 |
Aid Year Code | AIDCODE | Financial aid year code | 2014 = 163; 2015 = 1612; 2016 = 1504; 2017 = 1336 |
Application Number | APPLNO | The application number | 1 = 2606; 2 = 968; 3 = 444; 4 or more = 597 |
Application Date | APPDATE | Date of first application | N/A |
Admit Date | ADMITDATE | Date of admission | N/A |
Days to Admit | DAYSTOADM | Calculated from the application date to admission decision | Min = 0; Max = 1185 ; Mean = 70.2; St. Dev. = 79.3 |
Admit Code | ADMTCODE | Type of admission | Conditional = 1673; Probationary = 305; Readmit = 17; Standard = 2620 |
Student Type | STUTYP | They of students | Continuing (C) = 24; Guest (G) = 35; New (N) = 4144; Readmit (R) = 212; Non-candidate (S) = 200 |
Primary Program | PRIPGM | Applicant’s primary graduate program | See Table 1 |
Primary Major | PRIMAJOR | Applicant’s primary major of interest | See Table 1 |
Primary Concentration | PRICONC | Applicant’s primary concentration of interest | N/A |
Primary College | PRICOL | Primary college code | N/A |
Residency Code | RESDCODE | Applicant’s residency status | Resident = 2502; Non-resident = 2113 |
State | STATECODE | Applicant’s mailing address state | MI = 2712; other U.S. states = 378; International = 1525 |
Zip Code | ZIPCODE | Applicant’s mailing address zip code | N/A |
County | COUNTY | Applicant’s mailing address county | Genesee = 878; other = 2212; International = 1525 |
Nation | NATION | Applicant’s mailing address country | N/A |
Citizenship | CITIZENSHIP | Applicant’s citizenship | U.S. = 2843; other countries = 1772 |
Gender | GENDER | Applicant’s gender | Female = 2524; Male = 2061; None = 30 |
Ethnicity | ETHNICITY | Applicant’s ethnicity | Am. Indian = 22; Asian = 157; Black = 407; Hispanic = 86; Non-res. = 1525; White = 2191 ; other = 227 |
International | INTCODE | Y for international applicant, N for domestic | Y = 1525; N = 3090 |
GPA | GPA | Applicant’s grade point average | Min = 1.60; Max = 4.00; Mean = 3.46; St. Dev. = 0.40 |
Deposit | DEPOSIT | Yes for applicant’s with deposits | Yes = 319; No = 4296 |
Age | AGE | Age of applicant | Min = 19; Max = 72; Mean = 31.4; St. Dev. = 9.7 |
Distance | DISTANCE | Distance of residence to the university | Min = 0; Max = 4450; Mean = 127.8; St. Dev. = 340.1 |
Previous Degree | PREVDEGREE | Level of applicant’s previous degree earned | N/A |
Education Level | EDULEVEL | Applicant’s highest education level | Associate = 32; Bachelors = 2933; Masters = 742; Post-grad = 57; Doctoral = 130; missing = 721 |
GRE Score verbal | GREVERB | Applicant’s verbal score on GRE | N = 1256; Min. = 130; Max = 169; Mean = 145.4; St. Dev. = 8.3 |
GRE Score quantitative | GREQUANT | Applicant’s quantitative score on GRE | N = 1255; Min. = 133; Max = 168; Mean = 150.23; St. Dev. = 5.9 |