Characteristic | Natural aquatic ecosystems | Artificial aquatic ecosystems |
Number of species | Many | Few |
Genetic diversity | High | Low |
Ecological succession | Present, takes place over time | Absent |
Ecological sustainability | Sustainable | Un-sustainable |
Productivity | Extremely variable | Designed for high productivity |
Nutrient cycling | Natural | Incomplete |
Natural resource extraction | Low | High |
Food chains | Long and complex | Simple and often incomplete |
Nature of habitat | Heterogeneous | Homogeneous |
Nature of landscape | Heterogeneous | Homogeneous |
Use of herbicides, pesticides and insecticides | Low | Heavy |
Importation of non-solar energy | Small | Large |
Importation of nutrient supplements | Small | Large |
Soil characteristics | Divergent | Convergent |
Hydrological cycles | Natural | Modified |
Biotic and physical disturbance regimes | Normal | Reduced |
Mobility of people, goods and services | Local | Global |
Species diversity | High | Low |
Production | Low | High |
Productivity | Medium | Low/medium |
Diversity | High | Low |
Human displacement of ecological processes | Low | High |
Reliance on external human inputs | Low | High |
Autonomy | High | Low |
Sustainability | High | Low |
Output stability | Medium | High |
Flexibility | High | Low |
Resilience | High | Low |
Potentiality as outdoor classrooms | Provide outdoor classrooms for the study of biology and ecology | Have little to offer in the way of educational opportunities |
Landscape diversity | Diverse landscapes retain the sense of place that sustains language and cultural differences | Monotonous landscape incapable of stimulating diversity of thought, language or creativity |
Spiritual value | Spiritual value associated with natural wilderness sustains self esteem of indigenous people | No spiritual value; potential to cause mental illness and increase risk of depression and suicide |
Stimulus on artificial expression | Stimulate artificial expression through painting and poetry etc. | Have very little potential for stirring the human soul |