Conventions and Agreements relating to Forest Management in Ghana:

− Convention on African migratory locust: 1962.

− Treaty banning nuclear weapon tests in the atmosphere, in outer space and under water: 1963.

− International Convention for the conservation of Atlantic Tunas: 1966.

− African Convention on the conservation of nature and natural resources: 1968.

− Convention on wetlands of international importance, especially of waterfowl habitat: 1971.

− Convention concerning the protection of world cultural and natural heritage: 1972.

− Convention on international trade in endangered species of wild fauna and flora: 1973.

− Convention on the conservation of migratory species of wild animals: 1979.

− International tropical timber agreement: 1983.

− Montreal protocol on substances that deplete the ozone layer: 1987.

− Vienna convention for the protection of the ozone layer: 1989.

− Convention on biological diversity: 1992.

− Convention to combat drought and desertification: 1994

− Framework convention on climate change: 1992.

Adopted from: National Biodiversity strategy for Ghana (2002).