N˚ of the item order with a summary of the item | “Worst” score (the highest ) | “Best” score (the lowest) |
Physical dimension (8 items) 2- Need some rest throughout the day 3- Difficult stairs climbing and descending 4- Limited usual household chores 5- Limited external movements 6- Sleep disruption 7- Relations and activities with the others 12- Shortness of breath 13- Tiredness, lassitude, lack of energy | 40: Very limited when achieving any physical activity. | 0: Conducts any physical activity, including the most intense ones, without any restrictions due to medical condition. |
Emotional dimension (5 items) 17- Charge, burden for the others 18- Loss of control and self-control 19- Concerned, anxious 20- Concentration, memory disorders 21- Sensation of depression | 25: anxiety, depression and impression of being a burden to the family. | 0: feels quiet and calm at any time. |
Other items (non gathered) 1- Swelling of ankles and legs 8- Difficult remunerative work 9- Difficult leisure and hobbies activities 10- Difficult sexual activities 11- Limitation of the favorite meals 14- Frequent hospital admissions 15- Additional health expenditures 16- Side effects of treatments | 5 For each item: extreme discomfort related to the question. | 0 For each item: no discomfort related to the question. |
Global dimension (all the 21 items) | 105: very limited to do all the physical activities. Very depressed, tired, with a strong impression of being a burden for the others. | 0: conducts all the physical activities, enjoys life events. |