



chán (缠wind or tangle),

缠绕(chán-rào wind)

rào (绕roll); jié (结tie or wind)

jiě (解unwind or untie)

wán (绾tie or coil up),

把长条形的东西盘绕起来打成结(tie things with long strips)

jié (结tie or wind)

jiě (解unwind or untie)

fù (缚bind)

捆绑 (tie up)

jié (结tie or wind)

jiě (解unwind or untie)

băng (绑bind)

用绳、带等缠绕或捆扎 (tie or wind with rope or string)

jié (结tie or wind)

jiě (解unwind or untie)

jì (系bind),

打结 (tie)

jié (结tie or wind)

jiě (解unwind or untie)

jié (结tie or wind)

用线、绳、草等条状物打结或编织 (tie or weave with tenuous things like thread, rope, straw, etc.)

chán (缠twine or tangle), wán (绾tie or coil up), fù (缚bind), băng (绑bind), jì (系bind), rào (绕roll), biān (编weave), and zhī (织weave)

jiě (解unwind or untie)

rào (绕roll)

缠绕 (wind)

jié (结tie or wind)

jiě (解unwind or untie)

biān (编weave)

把细长条状的东西交叉组织起来 (cross tenuous things together)

jié (结tie or wind)

jiě (解unwind or untie)

zhī (织weave)

使纱或线交叉穿过,制成绸、布、呢子等 (cross yarn or thread together into pieces of silk, cloth or wool, etc.)

jié (结tie or wind)

jiě (解unwind or untie)