Men entry into the MNCH system -Home (husband, spouse, partner, brother, teenage/young adult, boy child). Figure 1 below shows an example in a family setting. -Community (friend, neighbour, CHV, CHW, church, schools, place of work, farms, CBOs e.g. Chama cha Wazee, Manpower) -Health facility (Maternity, PMCT, VCT, MCNH clinic) -Sub-County (advocacy, leaders), NGOs -County (advocacy, leaders, resource allocation, ordinances making, supporting affirmative action of 2/3 gender representation, make maternal health a standing agenda) -National (advocacy, legislation, supporting the affirmative action of 2/3 gender representation, a commitment of resources for maternal and new-born health, make maternal health a standing agenda). --Sponsor motions to improve access to maternal neonatal child health care at County Assembly and National Assembly and The Senate. |