The scenario: Within the rural context, not delivering at the health facility may mean the difference between life and death for both the mother and the neonate. Men have tended to keep off “the women business” only to be called in when the attending women have tried everything and anything conceivable to help the woman in labour. Involvement of the man was key for doing checks, arising needs, rearranging priorities to meet the changing demands of care or for a referral. This is Meteitei, a mountainous region of Tenderet-Nandi escarpment, Rift Valley Province of Kenya Here, about 92% of women attended ANC at least once during pregnancy but skilled attendant delivery (SAD) was 6.8%, compared to the national average SAD of 44% [11] . It had Maternal Mortality Rate (MMR) of 500 per 100,000 by 2013 report. |