Class and subject of creative works

No. of students who do well in creative test

No. of students who failed to scores 70% and above

Null hypothesis

P1 = P2

If P1 ≠ P2


Class VI Drawings

X1 = 11

In school test (Science)

X2 = 19

P1 = 0.47

P2 = 0.63

P1 = P2

/Z/ = 1.45

/Z/ < 1.96, the scores are very significant at 5% Level of significance. This means the students who failed to do well in science in school test could do well in spontaneous activity of creativity.

Class VII and use Match sticks

X1 = 16

X2 =19

P1 = 0.69, P2 = 0.43

P1 ≠ P2

/Z/ = 1.85

/Z/ < 1.96, the scores are scores are very significant at 5% level of significance. This means students who fail to do well in science in school test could do well creativity.

Class VIII and use of papers for making drawing materials

X1 = 12

X2 =15

P1 = 0.57, P2 = 0.71

P1 ≠ P2

/Z/ = 1.75

/Z/ < 1.96, the scores are significance at 5% level of significance. This means that 12 students could do well in creativity who failed to score 70% and above in school test in science.