Searching stages


Stage 1

Keyword extraction

Case 1

Only typing Edit box: extract keywords from the typed contents (several keywords, including the characters of errors as well as normal keywords)

Case 2

Only check the advanced searching options. Considering each option as a keyword, and those advanced options can help to accurately locate the stages and locations that errors occurred.

Case 3

Edit box has inputs and advanced options have been checked as well. To extract keywords from the contents in edit box, and consider the checked options as keywords.

Stage 2

Fuzzy matching

Carry out fuzzy matching between extracted keywords and the keywords in the keyword table, find out the correspondent keyword ID and priority in the keyword table. First, to fuzzy match with the words in the word database provided by Lucene, find out similar words, and then use those similar words to fuzzy match with the keywords in keyword table, and find out the correspondent keywords. If there is no such similar words in Lucene database, then directly fuzzy match the extracted keywords with the keywords in keyword table.

Stage 3

Searching for error ID

1) Find out Error ID according to relation of keyword ID and error table;

2) Find out Reason ID according to relation of keyword ID and reason table;

3) Find out the correspondent Error ID according to relation of Reason ID and Error ID table;

4) Find out Solution ID according to relation of keyword ID and solution table;

5) Find out the correspondent Error ID according to relation of Solution ID and Error ID table;