mode | peak period | characteristics of the power consumption |
1 | 1:00-2:00 12:45-14:00 | After the early peak, there is no obvious electricity consumption behavior and is mainly the basic load power consumption. After the latter peak, there is the same kind of electricity behavior or the same kind of electrical appliances is used. |
2 | 2:15-3:30 14:30-15:30 | There is a similar power consumption behavior or the use of same electrical appliances after the power peak. There is no obvious power consumption behavior after latter peak. |
3 | 3:30-5:00 15:15-17:00 | The electricity consumption is frequent and similar in the whole day. |
4 | 4:15-5:30 16:00-17:30 | The electricity consumption is frequent in the whole day. 2 hours after the early peak and 2.5 hours after the latter the peak exist active electricity consumption behaviors. |