Indicators of governance system in companies          
Characteristics in Enron          
Communication with investors         
Lying and cheating         
The relationship with official legislators of systems and privilages         
Very strong relationship         
The number of independent non-executive managers         
Doubted independence         
Existence of ethical charter in the company of auditing committee         
Stated and undesired, uneffective and   there is a conflict in interests         
Compensation committee         
A claim was raised against the head of the committee for having deals inside the company         
Separation between the professions of internal and external auditing         
It is not existed because Arthur   Anderson office combined between them         
Existence of a system prohibit conflict of interests         
Not existed         
Existence of a clear definition for the tasks and responsibilities of managers         
It was put under table and faild   to accomplish its tasks         
Non-executive managers doing clear tasks in the company         
Minimum level