The moral content

The requirements in high school

Ideal and belief education

1. Understand the national development

Know the socialist system with Chinese characteristics; Deepen the cognition of the great mission of the Party and the feelings of love for the Party, firmly believe the leadership of the Communist Party of China; Deepen the understanding of the historical mission of national development

2. Establish a lofty ideal

Deepen the feelings of the Party, establish a good ideal, form a scientific rigorous, forge ahead with the quality of learning and self-esteem, self-confidence, self-reliance attitude; Understand the dialectical relationship between individual, collective and national interests

3. Stay committed to socialist convicconvictions

Understand the profound connotation of the Chinese Dream; Firmly following the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics under the leadership of the Communist Party of China; Keep true to the party’s political identity, emotional identity, value identity; Build up the belief and confidence to strive for the great ideal of communism and the common ideal of socialism with Chinese characteristics

Core socialist values

1. Grasp value education

Understand the basic national conditions and national policies of our country to promote the cause of socialist construction through the study of population; Understand the basic system of socialist democracy with Chinese characteristics and appreciate the superiority of the socialist system; Understanding the development of civilization and social harmony is the value requirement for realizing the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. Establish a sense of social responsibility

2. Understand value orientation

Understand that the realization of all-round development of people is the ideal value pursuit of socialism, the realization of equality is the most important ethical value goal of our society, justice is the core concept of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and the rule of law is the basic system concept of social governance in China. Understand the constitution of China’s socialist legal system: Understand the role of procedural justice in realizing the rule of law: Establish a sense law, and form an identification of the path of social justice and rule of law with Chinese characteristics

3. Adhere to the value guidance

Understand the main connotation of China’s excellent traditional culture and the new culture of socialism with Chinese characteristics; Understand that cultural diversity is the fundamental concept of the world. Understand the significance of cultural exchange and international dialogue, cultivate international consciousness: Cultivate the attitude of diligently; Understand that integrity is the foundation of personal life and the way of national economic development; Understand that kindness is the fundamental of personal moral character and the basic principle of socialist core values: Experience the spirit of volunteer

Fine traditional culture

1. Spirits of family and country

Understand the important position of Chinese civilization in world history: deeply understand the deepest spiritual pursuit of the Chinese nation, more comprehensively and objectively understand the unified relationship between the future and destiny of the country and the realization of personal value; Consciously safeguard the strict study, security and interests of the country

2. Social care

Understand the quality of traditional virtues advancing with the Times; the Chinese traditional virtues self-discipline

3. Personality cultivation

Cultivate open-minded and optimistic attitude towards life and the ability to resist difficulties and setbacks