

Proposed improvement

Limited Preventive Education

Current strategies may not sufficiently emphasize preventive education, neglecting opportunities to proactively address the root causes of malpractices.

Integrate comprehensive ethical education programs into the curriculum to foster a culture of integrity and discourage dishonest behavior.

Resource Constraints

Schools face resource limitations, hindering the implementation of advanced technological solutions for monitoring and surveillance.

Allocate resources strategically, considering the unique needs of each educational institution, and explore cost-effective technology solutions.

Inadequate Teacher Training

Teachers may not receive adequate training on identifying and addressing examination malpractice, leading to inconsistencies in their ability to tackle the issue.

Conduct regular and standardized training sessions for teachers, ensuring they are well-equipped with the necessary skills to handle malpractices effectively.

Limited Collaboration with Communities

Collaborative efforts with parents and communities may be limited, reducing the impact of awareness campaigns and collective action against malpractices.

Strengthen partnerships with communities through outreach programs, involving parents in anti-malpractice initiatives and creating a shared responsibility.

Insufficient Use of Forensic Analysis

Forensic analysis techniques may not be widely adopted, resulting in challenges in swift and accurate identification of malpractices.

Promote the use of forensic analysis tools, providing training for educators and examiners on their effective implementation.

Incomplete Revision of Examination Policies

Incomplete or outdated examination policies may create loopholes that can be exploited for malpractices.

Regularly review and update examination policies, addressing emerging challenges and ensuring clarity in communication to both teachers and students.