
Measurement items


Social Value

SCV1: People who are important for me use mobile health apps.

Sheth et al., 1991 [15]

SCV2: I think using mobile health will help feel more acceptable.

SCV3: I think mobile health apps are used by professionals.

Emotional Value

ETV1: I feel relaxed while using mobile health apps.

Sheth et al., 1991 [15]

ETV2: I enjoy using mobile health apps.

ETV3: Using mobile health apps gives me pleasure.

Functional Value

FTV1: I think mobile health apps require less effort in comparison to offline medical.

Sheth et al., 1991 [15]

FTV2: I think mobile health apps are reliable.

FTV3: I think mobile health apps helps to get quicker solution.

FTV4: I think mobile health apps are beneficial to me.

Epistemic Value

ESV1: I am curious about people who use mobile health apps.

Sheth et al., 1991 [15]

ESV2: I am interested in seeking novel information in mobile health apps.

ESV3: I feel using mobile health helps me acquire knowledge.

Conditional Value

CDV1: I believe I will use mobile health apps when I don’t want to stand in a queue for health checkup.

Sheth et al., 1991 [15]

CDV2: I believe I will use mobile health apps when I have to make instant payments.

CDV3: I believe I will use mobile health apps whenever there is a need for cashless transactions.

Perceived value

PV1: Compared to the information and services I get from mobile health services, it is worth the effort.

Zeithaml VA., 1988 [19]

PV2: Compared to the information and services I get from mobile health services; my time is well worth it.

PV3: All in all, my involvement in mobile health is worth it.


CF1: My experience with using mobile health better than what I expected.

Bhattacherjee, 2001 [10]

CF2: The benefit provided by mobile health was better than what I expected.

CF3: Mobile health can meet demands in excess of what I required for the service.

CF4: Overall, most of my expectations from using mobile health were confirmed.


SF1: The overall experience of mobile health services is poor.

Bhattacherjee, 2001 [10]

SF2: The overall medical experience of mobile health services is satisfying.

SF3: Mobile health services can meet my medical needs.


HB1: Using mobile health apps has become automatic to me.

Limayem et al.,2003 [20]

HB2: Using mobile health apps is natural to me.

HB3: When faced with a particular task, using mobile health apps is an obvious choice for me.

Continuous intention

CI1: I would like to continue using mobile health apps.

Davis FD et al. 1989 [21]

CI2: I would like to recommend mobile health to my friends.

CI3: I plan to use mobile health more in the future.