



Trabucchi & Buganza [10] .

Data-driven innovation

Exploratory multiple case study analysis

Big data drives innovation in firms

Bresciani et al. [16] .

Big data and co-innovation

Systematic literature review

Big data and intentional collaborations with external parties drives innovation

Babu et al. [11] .

Data-driven innovation

Systematic literature review

The seven data-driven innovation steps are significant to innovation

Lerena et al. [17] .

Big data and innovation at the firm level

Social Network Analysis and Text Mining techniques

There exist multiple and heterogeneous dimensions in firm-level data mining

Ghasemaghaei & Calic [7] .

Big data’s main characteristics and innovation performance

Structural Equation Model

Data velocity is significant in firm innovation performance compared to other big data characteristics

Wright et al. [8] .

Big data in innovation and market leadership in B2B relationships

Conceptual and Case studies

Big data represents organizations’ ability to respond to market opportunities through innovation

Niebel et al. [19] .

Big data analytics and product innovation performance

Knowledge production function framework

Big data analytics stimulates innovation

Mikalef & Krogstie, [18] .

Big data, contextual factors, and firm performance

Grounded Theory

Diverse blends of contextual factors affect the significance of big data analytics

Mikalef et al. [9] .

Big data, dynamic capabilities, and firm performance

Structural Equation Model

Big data affect dynamic competencies while incremental innovation capability is enhanced through a sequence

Ghasemaghaei & Calic, [12] .

Big data characteristic on firm innovation

Grounded Theory

Data velocity, variety, and veracity enhance data-driven insight generation than data volume

Lozada et al. [20] .

Big data and innovation

Structural Equation Model

Big data analytics promotes responsive processes of product and service co-creation

Prester & Jurić, [6] .

Big data and product innovation

Ordinary Least Square

Some sources of big data are significant while others are not