total pages

total links

network impact factor

PC word count

Min.: 0

Min.: 0

Min.: 0.000

Min.: 0.00

1st Qu.: 0

1st Qu.: 6

1st Qu.: 0.000

1st Qu.: 2.00

Median: 87

Median: 12

Median: 0.000

Median: 11.00

Mean: 13,661

Mean: 174,787

Mean: 323.294

Mean: 58.53

3rd Qu.: 13,675

3rd Qu.: 37

3rd Qu.: 0.435

3rd Qu.: 80.50

Max.: 173,000

Max.: 8,060,000

Max.: 22,555.560

Max.: 587.00

mobile word count

the number of anti-links

index volume

indexed monthly

Min.: 0.00

Min.: 0.00

Min.: 0.0

Min.: 0.0

1st Qu.: 1.00

1st Qu.: 1.00

1st Qu.: 0.0

1st Qu.: 0.0

Median: 8.50

Median: 7.00

Median: 55.5

Median: 0.0

Mean: 29.07

Mean: 21.75

Mean: 17,979.6

Mean: 551.3

3rd Qu.: 26.00

3rd Qu.: 20.75

3rd Qu.: 2196.8

3rd Qu.: 7.5

Max.: 334.00

Max.: 203.00

Max.: 645,000.0

Max.: 35,300.0

Baidu weight

mobile weight

360 weight

Sogou weight

Min.: 0.0000

Min.: 0.000

Min.: 0.0000

Min.: 0.0000

1st Qu.: 0.0000

1st Qu.: 1.000

1st Qu.: 0.0000

1st Qu.: 0.0000

Median: 1.0000

Median: 1.000

Median: 1.0000

Median: 1.0000

Mean: 0.9492

Mean: 1.127

Mean: 0.5678

Mean: 0.8559

3rd Qu.: 1.0000

3rd Qu.: 2.000

3rd Qu.: 1.0000

3rd Qu.: 1.0000

Max.: 4.0000

Max.: 4.000

Max.: 2.0000

Max.: 4.0000