
A Modern Chinese-English Dictionary

1. wind: a gust of wind/起~了. 2. practice; custom; tendency: 此~不可长. This tendency is not to be encouraged. 3. scene; view: 风光. 4. style; attitude: 文风. 5. news; information.

A Chinese-English Dictionary for Foreign Learners

1. (空气流动) wind:-小了. The wind is falling. 2. (比喻态度) style; practice; custom: 台~不正 unhealthy style of performance 3. (消息) news: information: 闻~而动act without delay upon hearing the news


Cobuild English-Chinese Dictionary

1. A wind is a current of air that is moving across the earth’s surface; 2. You can refer in a literary way to something that influences events as a wind of some kind; 3. Your wind is your ability to breathe easily. You can lose your wind when you do something physically energetic. 4. Wind is the air that you sometimes swallow with food or drink, or gas that is produced in your intestines, which causes an uncomfortable feeling: a fairly informal use. (引起腹胀的)肠气. 5. The wind section of an orchestra or band is the group of people who produce musical sounds by blowing into their Instruments. (管弦乐队或乐队的)管乐部. 6. If you refer to what someone says as wind, you mean that it is foolish or meaning less; an informal use. 蠢话; 空谈. 7. When someone breaks wind, they release air from their intestines through their anus, a rather formal expression[正式]放屁. 8. The word wind is also used in the following expressions. 亦用于下列词组: If someone who is intending to do something gets the wind, they become very afraid, usually with the result that they decide not to do it after ally an informal expression. [俗]变得十分害怕 (而放弃原来的打算)

Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary

1. a current of air moving approximately horizontally, especially one strong enough to be felt风; 气流; 2. Breath呼吸. 3. Bowels 肠子.