Objectives of Unit Oneā€•Self Image

English language application ability

Listening: understand the corresponding subjects, the definition and the key points.

Speaking: express views on self-image.

Reading: use reading strategies to master the main idea, text structure and implied meaning.

Writing: write related papers on the topic.

Translating: use translation skills to analyze long and difficult sentences in texts.

Cultural communication ability

Horizontal aspect: Understand the similarities and differences in self-image culture and values between China and foreign countries.

Vertical aspect: compare the changes of self-image values in different cultures.

Autonomous learning ability

Learning resources: use offline resources and platform resources.

Learning methods: do offline learning (problem discussion, work evaluation and role play) and online learning (resource collection, work design, problem discussion, etc.).

Evaluation method: Evaluate from multi-aspects including online and offline performance.

Critical innovation ability

Judgment: find the prejudice towards self-image in the society, collect data for analysis and make explanation and judgment.

Appreciation: analyze the value and significance of self-image, and cultivate abstract and comprehensive thinking ability.