Study Group

Strategies utilized for the three groups in each year

Course Content

Practicing method

Assessment criteria


Ten topics relevant to annual budget of a company were given by the Tutors.

Ten sessions, each with two-hour duration, were allocated on Zoom. No face-to-face interaction was allowed. Students were grouped in to three groups using Breakout Rooms.

Three Tutors assessed each individual before and after the four months practising period. Average score was calculated for the online group.


Same ten topics were administered.

Seven topics were practised over Zoom while three topics were practised in the physical classroom.

Three Tutors assessed each individual before and after the four months practising period. Average score was calculated for the blended group.



Same ten topics were administered.

Ten sessions, each with two-hour duration, were allocated in the face-to-face classroom. No online interaction was allowed for presentation practice.

Three Tutors assessed each individual before and after the four months practising period. Average score was calculated for the face-to-face group.