Material Name


Sterile cotton stick

It was used to collect vaginal swab samples

Normal saline

It was used for irrigation

Sterile container

It was used for sample transportation


To identify Microorganisms in the collected samples

Blood Agar (HIMEDIA® Ref M073-500G),

This is enriched media which was used to isolate fastidious organisms

Mannitol Salt Agar (HIMEDIA® Ref M118-500G),

This a selective and differential media used to isolate staphylococcus species

MacConkey Agar (HIMEDIA® Ref M081-500G)

It was used to isolate gram-negative enteric bacteria. It helped in differenciating lactose fermenting from lactose non-fermenting bacteria

Sabouraud Dextrose Agar (TM Media Ref TM 387)

This is non-selective media used to isolate fungi and yeasts in our studt experiments

Kligler’s Iron Agar (HIMEDIA® Ref M078-500G)

This media was used for the identification of Enterobacteriaceae, based on double sugar fermentation and hydrogen sulphide production

Simon’s Citrate Agar (HIMEDIA® Ref M099-500G).

This media was used to differenciate gram-negative bacteria basing on the citrate utilization

Urea Broth (HIMEDIA® Ref M111-500G)

This is a defferential medium that was used to test for ability of organisms to produce urease

Sulphide Indole Motility (HIMEDIA® Ref M181-500G)

This medium was used to differentiate enteric organisms based on the ability to produce indole and hydrogen sulfide