

Female Owner

1 if owner is female; 0 otherwise

Number of Days Closed

Number of days closed before reopening

Comingled Finances Before Natural Disasters

1 if business comingled business and household finances before Natural Disasters; 0 otherwise

Comingled Finances After Natural Disasters

1 if business comingled business and household finances after Natural Disasters; 0 otherwise

Delay Due to Damaged Business Assets

1 if delay in reopening was due to damage to business assets; 0 otherwise

Delay Due to Government Support

1 if delay in reopening was due to government restrictions; 0 otherwise

Exogenous Shock after Natural Disasters

1 if business was affected by flood or storm between big Natural Disasters; 0 otherwise

Suffered Catastrophic Damage of Disasters

1 if damage was catastrophic; 0 otherwise

Received SBA Loan

1 if business received SBA loan; 0 otherwise

Received Loan Delays from Creditors

1 if business received loan delays or write downs from creditors; 0 otherwise