


For Cl2-founded ED, fresh tendencies were noted to substitute pressurized Cl2 with chlorine containing solutions formed via electrochemical technology [75] [76] [77] , frequently running at Cl < 1 g/L. Chlorine species mixture could include dissolved chlorine (Cl2,dis), hypochlorous acid (HOCl), and hypochlorite ions (OCl) jointly known as free active chlorine. Inorganic chloramines may be included in the bonded active chlorine and are viewed as undesirable by-products, as well as organic chloramines [78] [79] [80] . The simple and cost-effective anodic production, storability, and long-term residual effect interpret the excellent significance of Cl2-founded disinfection until now [81] . The technology is common and mostly employed in potable water disinfection, swimming pool water and seawater treatment [82] [83] . Supplementary disinfecting power may be attributed to another component, dichlorine monoxide (Cl2O) [84] , even if additional investigation remains required.

Chlorine dioxide (ClO2)

The progressive replacement of Cl2 as a disinfectant is more and more pronounced [85] [86] [87] . Chlorine dioxide (ClO2) forming fewer by-products and odor has been adopted in such approach [77] . Electrochemically, ClO2 could be formed onsite using undivided electrochemical or divided 2- or 3-compartment cells by anodic chlorite oxidation or cathodic chlorate reduction, ore from both processes [33] [88] [89] . At the commercial level, small cells having ion-exchange membranes have been proposed. The starting chlorite solution is in the domain of g/L concentration. ClO2 is formed in the g/h domain with performances bigger than 80% at pH 4 - 6. Bergmann [33] suggested two procedures of generating ClO2 for surface disinfection via adding scavengers to the chlorite solution at mg/L level domain. Under regulated parameters, total efficiencies could be attained in undivided cells [33] . For instance, when a chlorite solution is mixed with ozone solutions (formed electrochemically or by silent discharge) [90] , a defined molar ratio exists, conducting to nearly complete chlorite-to-chlorine dioxide conversion (Figure 3). In such situation, a scavenger avoids secondary reactions of the intermediate O 3 .

Ozone (O3)

It was ultramodern to generate ozone (O3) on PbO2, Platinum, SnO2, and other anodes [91] [92] . Recent Boron Doped Diamond (BDD) anodes in divided cells are more performant, furnishing O3 at bigger levels and formation rates of 10−4 - 10−3 g/h∙cm2 [93] . The credible onsite analysis of single oxidants inside a combination of O3 and different oxidants stays an unsolved difficulty.

Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2)

Methods employing oxygen-reducing cathodes could lead to ~2% (weight) H2O2:

O2 + 2H+ + 2e → H2O2 (5)

This is much more juxtaposed to the anodic formation of two hydroxyl radicals on noncatalytic BDD pursued by their reaction to H2O2. Reaction between OCl and H2O2 could lead to singlet and triplet oxygen production [94] .


Additional disinfectants and technologies may be noted such as peroxodisulfate [95] [96] , chloramination [97] , bromine, and ferrates [35] [39] [71] even if without large industrial use.