- We register on the basis of assessment of the files presented by the candidates and then we organize the entrance examination

- No enthusiasm for the flow, candidates come gradually but the time allotted is insufficient

- The coordination of ITMs at the DPS level takes care of it and is going well. But no feedback on the results It is necessary to recruit learners who have completed the 4th and not the 3rd of humanities

- We ourselves assess the files before registering the candidates

- That the DPS let the school organize the competition and send the results to the DPS

- We are satisfied because the candidates go through a competition

P1. It is necessary to recruit the pupils able to finish the studies to avoid the phenomenon of charlatan in the village

P2. Everyone needs to be involved, parents need to avoid buying report cards for their children, school officials need to take school management seriously and avoid selling fake coins

P3. The coordination of the competition changed by an admission exam

P4. Enroll only students who have a solid foundation and not those who are weak and come with the school titles purchased

Take into account good schools of origin

P5. Objectively organize the admission exam

Retain no more than 50 students

Take into account certain mentions found on the bulletins:

- Conduct and enforcement

Only enroll 4th year humanities learners.