

1) Activation of TA1 and MAP2

Voluntária deitada em DD3 sobre a maca, joelhos flexionados e pés apoiados com esfignomanômetro insuflado a 40 mmHg sob uma coluna lombar. Foi orientada a contrair, ao mesmo tempo, o TA e os MAP. A diferença de pressão identificada no esfignomanômetro deveria ser a menor possível, sugerindo então que o acionamento estava correto e a coluna estável.

2) Simple bridge

Volunteer lying in DD3 on the stretcher, knees bent and feet supported. She was instructed to raise the hip of the stretcher and return it to its initial position.

3) LL abduction bridge4

Volunteer lying in DD3 on the stretcher, knees flexed and wrapped in an elastic band, feet supported. She was instructed to raise the hip of the stretcher, slightly abduct the knees, adduct them and return the pelvis to its initial position.

4) LL aduction bridge4

Volunteer lying in DD3 on the stretcher, knees bent with rubber ball between them, feet supported. She was instructed to raise the hip of the stretcher, adduce her knees slightly (squeezing the ball) and return her knees and pelvis to the initial position.

5) Belt dissociation

Volunteer sitting on a Swiss ball with a diameter compatible with her height and biotype. She was instructed to rotate the pelvis in one direction and the scapular waist in the opposite direction, alternating the sides.