
Effect on microbial diversity


Maximum diversity at neutral pH (6 - 8). Extreme pHs lead to decreased diversity.


Different plants may stimulate and/or inhibit different microbial populations.

Water content

Greater diversity with moderate water content. Water-saturated conditions decrease diversity due to less spatial isolation of organisms and also the generation of anaerobic conditions.

Oxygen concentration

Greater diversity under aerobic conditions.


Extremely high or low temperatures reduce diversity.

Organic matter content

Higher organic matter content results in higher diversity.

Soil depth

Decreasing diversity with increasing depth from surface.

Addition of organic substrates

Addition of a single, organic substrate often results in a reduction in diversity due to the stimulation of a subset of the microbial community.

Soil tillage

Decreased diversity due to soil homogenization and reduction in microsite variation.

Addition of organic pollutants

Similar to organic substrates in general, often a reduction in diversity due to stimulation of specific populations but also potentially toxicity of the xenobiotic to other populations.

Addition of metal pollutants

Reduction in diversity due to toxicity to some populations.