


Stream order (U)

Hierarchical rank of streams


Stream length (Lu)

Length of the stream


Mean stream length (Lsm)

Lsm = Lu/Nu where: Lsm = mean stream length, Lu = total stream length of order “U”, Nu = total no. of stream segments of order “U”


Stream length ratio (RL)

RL = Lu/(Lu − 1) where, RL = stream length ratio, Lu = the total stream length of the order “U”, Lu − 1 = the total stream length of its next lower order


Bifurcation ratio (Rb)

Rb = Nu/Nu + 1 where, Rb = bifurcation ratio, Nu = total number of stream segments of order “U”, Nu + 1 = number of segments of the next higher order


Mean bifurcation ratio (Rbm)

Rbm = average of bifurcation ratios of all order


Stream frequency (Fs)

Fs = Nu/A where, Fs = stream frequency, Nu = total no. of streams of all orders, A = area of basin


Drainage texture (T)

T = Dd × Fs where, T = Drainage texture, Dd = drainage density, Fs = stream frequency


Drainage density (Dd)

Dd = Lu/A where, Dd = drainage density, Lu = total stream length of all orders, A = area of basin


Circularity ratio (Rc)

Rc = 4πA/P2 where, Rc = circularity ratio, pi = pi value, A = area of basin, P2 = square of the perimeter


Elongation ratio (Re)

where, Rc = circularity ratio, A = area of basin pi = pi value, Lb = basin length


Form factor (Ff)

Ff = A/L2 where, Ff = form factor, A = area of basin (km), = square of the basin length



R = H − h where, R = relief, H = Vertical distance of the lowest highest points = Vertical distance of the lowest points of watershed in (m)


Relief ratio

Rh = H/Lb where, Rh = relief ratio, H = total relief of the basin in km, Lb = basin length


Length of overland flow (Lg)

Lg = 1 Dd × 2 where, Lg = length of overland flow, Dd = drainage density
