Students related information

□ Sex

□ Age

□ Year of study

□ Residential status

Internet addiction related information

□ Stay on online

□ Neglect household chores to spend more time online

□ Preference to Internet

□ Relationships with fellow online users

□ Complain to you about the amount of time

□ Grades or university work suffer

□ Check your e-mail before something else

□ Job performance or productivity suffer

□ Become defensive or secretive

□ Block out disturbing thoughts

□ Find yourself anticipating

□ Fear that life without the Internet would be boring, empty, and joyless

□ Snap, yell, or act annoyed if someone bothers you

□ Lose sleep due to late-night log-in

□ Feel preoccupied with the Internet when off-line

□ Find yourself saying “just a few more minutes”

□ Try to cut down the amount of time you spend online

□ Try to hide how long you’ve been online

□ Choose to spend more time online over going out

□ Feel depressed, moody, or nervous when you are off-line

General health related information

□ Able to concentrate

□ Loss of sleep over worry

□ Playing a useful part

□ Capable of making decisions

□ Felt constantly under strain

□ Couldn’t overcome difficulties

□ Able to enjoy day-to-day activities

□ Able to face problems

□ Feeling unhappy and depressed

□ Losing confidence

□ Thinking of self as worthless

□ Feeling reasonably happy

Depression related information

□ Sadness

□ Pessimism

□ Past failure

□ Loss of pleasure

□ Guilty feelings

□ Punishment feelings

□ Self-dislike

□ Self-criticalness

□ Suicidal thoughts or wishes

□ Crying

□ Agitation

□ Loss of interest

□ Indecisiveness

□ Worthlessness

□ Loss of energy

□ Changes in sleeping pattern

□ Irritability

□ Changes in appetite

□ Concentration difficulty

□ Tiredness or fatigue

□ Loss of interest in sex