Demographic variable

American Indians

Torture survivors




Range = 18 - 70, M = 36.16, SD = 14.10

Range = 18 - 68, M = 35.37, SD = 13.75

Range = 18 - 59, M = 28.98, SD = 8.61

Range = 18 - 65, M = 34.04, SD = 12.34


1.8% up to 8 years of education, 21.1% 9 - 12 years of education, 5.8% vocational education, 12.2% community college, 28.2% some University, 14.4% college graduate, 10.6% graduate degree

31.6% minimum writing and reading skills, 25% elementary education, 29.9% secondary education, 13.2% high school, .7% university, .7% graduate level

3.6% read and writes; 3.6% have intermediate school; 10.9% have high school; 76.4% have University degree, 5.5% are graduate students

55.6% basic school education, 44.4% higher than basic education (university and above)

Living areas and ethnic origin

18.1% live in Indian reservation, 46.3% live in rural areas, 35.6% live in Urban areas, 92.6% are members of a tribe (40 different tribes)

30% Iraqi, 26.6% Bhutanese, 18.8% Burmese, 13.1% Somali, the balance from other 7 African countries, Cuba, Russia, Afghanistan, India and Iran. All currently live in Sub-urban areas in the US

9.1% lives in Rural areas; 30.9% lives in Urban areas and 60% lives in refugee camps

58.9% lives in Urban Areas, and 41.1% lives in rural areas.

Household income/poverty

83.4%reported to belong to a poor family with many hardships, while 16.6% reported to never been poor

51% reported to be somewhat poor, 8% reported to be extremely poor, 41% reported to never been poor

81.8% reported to belong to a poor family with many hardships

57.5% reported to be poor, 40.6% reported to be average, and 1.9% reported to be well-off

Family size

M = 3.8, SD = 1.96

M = 5.37, SD = 2.25

M = 7.31, SD = 2.82


Marital status

Not collected

55.8% married, 1.3% living with partner, 19.9% single, 3.8% divorce; 12.8% widows, 2.6% spouse is missing, 3.8% spouse lives back home

42.6% married; 50% single; 7.4% divorced

54.1% married, 45.9% different unmarried statuses



19.1% Christians, 4.5% Buddhists, 19.7% Hindus, 25.5% Muslim Sunni, 3.2% Muslim Shiites, 28.% other religious affiliations

100% Muslim Sunnis

88.9% Muslim Sunnis, 11.1% Christians