Morphometric Parameters



Basic Parameters

Area of Basin (A) Perimeter of Basin (P)

Plan area of the watershed (km2) GIS

Perimeter of watershed (km) Software analysis



Stream order (u)

Basin Length (Lb)

Stream Length (Lu)

Hierarchical rank

Length of basin (km)/GIS software analysis

Lb = 1.321 × A0.568a

Length of the Stream (km)


[55] [56]



Linear Parameters

Bifurcation ratio (Rb)

Rb = Nu/Nu + 1, where

Nu + 1 = no. of segments of the next higher order


Drainage density (Dd)


Dd = Lu/A, Where

Lu + total stream length of all orders (km)

A = area of the watershed (km2)


Stream frequency (Fu)


Fu = Nu/A, where

Nu = total no. of steams of all orders

A = area of the basin (km2)


Texture ratio (T)


T = Nu/P, where

Nu = total no. of streams of all orders

P = perimeter (km)


Length of overland flow (km) Lo

Lo = 1/2 Dd, where

Dd = drainage density


Shape parameters

Form factor (Rf)

Rf =, where

A = area of the basin (km2)

Lb = basin length (km)


Shape factor (Bs)

Bs =, where

Lb = basin length (km)

A = area of the basin (km2)


Elongation ratio (Re)

Re = 1.128, where,

A = area of the basin (km2)

Lb = basin length (km)


Compactness coefficient (Cc)

, where

P = perimeter of the basin (km)

A = area of the basin (km2)


Circularity ratio (Rc)

Rc = 4 × ᴨ × A/P2, where ᴨ = 3.14

A = area of the basin(km2)

P = perimeter(km)
