Past condition depicted from memory

Present situation described

Statement on heat/low rain

1. Only dogs were panting.

2. Big trees were used to shade men and animals from heavy rain.

3. Below trees there were grasses.

4. Woolen/cotton made cloths were used.

5. Children were shivering from cold.

1. All animals are panting including man.

2. Trees are used to get shade from the burning sun.

3. Below trees there are dust.

4. No need of warmth giving clothes.

5. Children are sweating from heat.

Statements on water availability

1. Common comment: Plenty.

2. River waters were clean and colorless.

3. Rain water was absorbed as if they were on spongy, seeds retained, facilitate natural regeneration of trees.

4. Rain starts slow and become heavy, sometimes takes away men and animals when water courses are full at middle of August.

1. Common comment: Scarce.

2. River waters are unclear [mixed with soil and full of worms].

3. Rain water not absorbed, runoff, erodes soil, wash and remove soil boring animals & tree seeds in the soil and abolish natural regeneration of tree.

4. Rains delayed, come sudden and loss of soil high, Intense rain rare, may happen at times.

Tree harvest/deforestation contributing to climate change

1. Trees rarely cut, if cut used to regenerate and recover quick, after two years.

2. No saw/sawmill was in the area, tree cutting was tiresome and non-ethical.

3. Many trees, ripe fallen fruits/seeds and many seedlings.

4. Naturally dried and fallen branches were collected as firewood, animal dung were thrown to field.

5. Harbor many wild animals and wild fruits were plenty.

1. If one cuts a tree, the next visitor cuts even up roots the stem hence no/very few natural regeneration.

2. Saws among the common home implements, saw-mills all around, cutting trees good business/profession.

3. Trees isolated and barren/no seedlings, any available tree cut for firewood/timber taken to market, animal dung commonly used to compensate shortage of woods.

4. Very rare wild animals that compete with men.

5. Fruits/seeds rarely found in the soil to naturally germinate, where available easily germinate.

Statement about rainfall

1. Rainfall start in March and stops in November.

2. Distribution smooth and peak was July and August.

3. Children were shivering of cold when heavy rains.

4. Beneath all big trees were springs with water.

1. Rain fall starts in late April or June and stops in October.

2. Distribution is unpredictable, peak is either July/August or sometimes September.

3. Children are sweating from heat in rain.

4. No running spring, even in most water heads/eyes dry quick after rain.