Fire (Year)


Types of VARs (what was or is currently at risk)

Lost VARs (what has been assessed)

Mitigation Efforts and Costs Incurred ($2021)

Pilot Fire (2008)

San Bernardino National Forest, OR

Property values: Increased flooding and sediment along roads

Water quality: Threat to water quality in Silver Lake

Recreation: Debris flows, flooding, rockfall, and sediment deposition threaten OHV drivers on roads and hikers on Pacific Crest Trail and Pinnacles Trail

Recreation: Killing of trees has affected hiking, biking, and ski/snowshoe use on trails

Suppression cost: $15,650,000

Cost of no-action (including loss): $,000 (based on VAR Tool)

Emergency stabilization treatments: Invasive species assessment (detection), aerial straw mulching, reinforced driveable drain dips, storm patrol, maintain proper functioning of the road drainage system, signing and traffic control, road-side hydromulching, reconstruct/construct trail drainage structures, trail hazard tree abatement, hazard warning signs/public information, Cooper’s Tent Camp and newly discovered Camp Heritage site erosion control/protection, Wagon Road (heritage site) erosion control

Emergency stabilization treatment costs (approved): $397,900

King (2004)

Eldorado and Tahoe Forests, CA

Recreation (fishing): very high risk to roads and trails from flooding and debris flows

Water quality: very high risk to water quality from hazardous materials

Recreation: very high risk to trout populations

None assessed yet.

Suppression cost: $135,755,000

Cost of no-Action (including loss): N/A

Emergency stabilization treatments: strip mulching, bale bombing, straw bale check dams, rock or log grade control structures, channel armoring, culvert treatments, re-establish berms and dips, noxious weeds, hydrologic monitoring, treatment monitoring

Emergency stabilization treatment costs (approved): $3,767,000

Butte (2005)

Prescott National Forest, AZ

Water quantity/quality: while there is likely to be a short term increase in sediment delivery to the channel network, vegetation isexpected to regenerate quickly providing ground cover and reducing erosion

None assessed yet

Suppression cost: $1,319,000

Emergency stabilization treatments: Natural recovery; no treatments reported

Cedar (2003)

Cleveland Forest, CA

Property values: numerous locations on the road system are at high risk of loss of function and/or are likely to degrade adjacent resources

Water quantity/quality: El Capitan reservoir, a major water supply facility for the City of San Diego, will experience increased sedimentation and some loss of storage

Suppression cost: >$44,000,000

Cost of no-action (including loss): $5,443,000

Emergency stabilization treatments: Aerial hydromulching, fiber rolls, access barriers, restoring drainage function to roads and trails, storm patrols, BAER warning signs, installation of water bars and dips

Emergency stabilization costs (pending approval): $781,369

Copper King (2016)

Lolo Forest, MT

Property Values: There is a high risk to roads and trails from post fire effects

Water quantity/quality: Increased sediment and nutrient yield will occur from portions of watersheds that burned at moderate or greater severity

Recreation: The Copper King and Clark Memorial campgrounds are recommended to remain closed during the spring until risk of high intensity rains and snow has subsided

Suppression cost: $31,000,000

Cost of no-action (including loss):>$2,776,000

Emergency Stabilization Treatments: Culvert protection/upgrades/removal, road storm-proofing, drainage maintenance, hazard signs, herbicide, survey and monitoring, hazard tree removal

Emergency Stabilization Costs (pending approval): $313,000