


A place in which a fish, a population or assemblage can find the physical or chemical features required for life, e.g. suitable water quality, migration routes, spawning grounds, feeding sites, resting sites, and shelter from predators and adverse weather



Areas vital to the survival of a marine species at some phase in its life cycle

Various species


The functioning ecological units required for successful breeding and foraging



The place where an organism can be found

Various species


Each species lives within a certain environment, whereby it has a preference for a combination of environmental factors, e.g. substratum, temperature, salinity and hydrodynamic conditions that it is able to live within

Various species


Parts of a cetacean’s range, either a species or population of that species, essential for the day-to-day survival, as for maintaining a healthy population growth rate. Areas used for feeding, breeding, raising calves, migrating



Features related to basic needs e.g. prey; refuge from predators; suitable conditions for reproduction including mating and rearing young, resting, and moulting; and safety from extreme environmental events

