Author country year

Aim and research questions

Subjects and study setting

Theoretical framework or model


Measurements instruments




1) McCance

et al. 2007 UK

To identify strategic priorities to inform the development of a regional strategy for nursing and midwifery research and development

Purposive sample N = 105 Healthcare organisations higher education institutions, research funders, join appointees, representatives from government and professional bodies, commissioners of healthcare services and lead researchers from other disciplines

R&D agenda for nursing and midwifery Northern Ireland

Combined design Two data collections Delphi technique and nominal group technique (NGT) Mail survey, 24 items, 5 point Likert scale

Not reported

Content validity

Face validity by two independent researchers SPSS

2) Martinez 2012 Cuba

To assess the results of a strategy implemented to develop nursing capacity for health systems and service research

Nursing managers n = 32 (pilot-test)

Survey N = 105 nursing managers

Literature review and bibliometric analysis

Combined design



Not reported

Face validity Pilot test Situation analysis Descriptive analysis, percentages

3) Akerjordet et al. 2012 Norway

To determine clinical nurses’ interest in and motivation for research. An additional aim was to identify management and organisational resources to improve nurses’ research capacity in practice.

N = 364 clinical nurses

Literature review

Cross-sectional survey, 59 items, 5-point Likert scale

Cronbach alpha test 0.91 - 0.98

Overall alpha 0.99.

Content validity

SPSS Descriptive analysis, means, standard deviation and percentages were calculated as well as frequencies to summarize and compress distributions of data

4) Corchon et al. 2011 Spain

To evaluate a contextually framed intervention to increase nursing research capacity among clinical nurses

n = 89

Control group n = 81

Clinical nurses, ward manager, mentors.

Literature review

Quasi-experimental design, 27 items and 42 items

Cronbach alpha test and re-test

t-Student test;

t = 0.04, p = 0.92

Correlation 0.70

Content validity

Descriptive comparative analysis ANOVA t-tests for paired samples

5) Brown et al. 2010 USA

To explore the relationships between perceived barriers to research use and the implementation of evidence-based practice and to investigate the barriers as predictors of implementation of evidence-based practice

A convenience sample of hospital nurses

N = 1301

Four hospitals

Not specified


Survey Barriers scale, 29 items, 5-point Likert scale. Evidence-Based Practice (EBPQ) Questionnaire, 24 items, 7-point Likert scale

Cronbach alpha test and re-test

0.80, 0.80 + 0.72 and 0.65 for each subscale EBPQ 0.87 in total 0.85 for Practice, 0.79 for Attitudes, and 0.92 for Knowledge

Content validity

Construct validity

Correlational analysis

Hierarchical multiple regression analysis

6) Akerjordet et al. 2012 Norway

To examine clinical nurses’ research capacity and investigate related factors (i.e. the different phases of the research process).

N = 364 clinical nurses

Literature review

Cross-sectional survey 59 items, 5-point Likert scale

Cronbach alpha

Pearson’s correlation coefficients

Content validity

Principal component analysis