Botanical Name and Family Name

Vernacular Name

Parts Used and Preparation


Abrus precatorius L. Fabaceae

The bright seeds are strung make jewelry.

Necklaces and hair bands especially by female children.

Bidens schimperi Compositae


Flowers are macerated in water, mixed with papaya latex and applied on the skin.

To lighten the skin.

Carica papaya L. Caricaceae


Latex obtained from the stem and applied directly on the skin three times a day.

To lighten the skin, emollient.

Citrus limon Rutaceae

Fruit juice mixed with egg albumin, honey and cucumber applied on the skin everyday at night.

To smoothen facial skin, treatment of acne.

Cyphostemma adenocaule Vitaceae


Aerial parts are macerated in water and applied on skin.

To lighten the skin.

Cyphostemma maranguense Vitaceae

Juice made from leaves is applied on the normal skin or affected areas, every day.

Also can be mixed with water and boiled for drinking to increase CD4 count in HIV patients.


Skin diseases treatment: eczema, wounds, bacterial and fungal infection.

Diospyros usambarensis Ebenaceae


Root barks applied on the teeth.

To whiten the teeth and oral hygiene.

Eucalyptus globulus Myrtaceae


Leaves boiled with ghee, and the steam is applied on the skin.

To smoothen the skin.

Ficus thonningii Moraceae


The milky latex often turning pinkish is used alone or mixed with lemon juice and applied to the vagina early in the morning every day.

Create artificial virginity in women.

Lawsonia inermis L. Lythraceae


Leaves are grounded and suspended in water and applied on hair or mixed with lemon juice and soot and applied on nails.

To dye hair;

To color the nails.

Musa paradisiaca L. Musaceae


Stem is cut into small pieces and boiled, the juice is applied on the skin or the warm stem is rubbed on the skin directly once or twice a day for three months. Banana peels are cooked and the steam is directed to skin. This is done once or twice every day for three months.

To smoothen the skin;

To lighten the skin.

Persea americana Mill. Lauraceae

Fruit is mixed with the egg yolk and applied on hair.

Moisturizer, anti-dandruff: to strengthen hair and prevent hair loss.

Phytolacca dodecandra Phytolacaceae


Seeds are mixed with papaya latex and applied on cracked feet.

To smoothen the skin.

Zea mays Poaceae

Corn silk (stigma) aqueous extract is used to wash the skin while fresh ground corn silk is used as body ointment especially after intense sun exposure.

To rejuvenate the skin.