


Item number

Score range

Emotional domain (interest)

Interest in disease management

1: not interested - 4: interested


5 - 20

Challenges for disease management

Disease management is a skill that helps my career as a nurse

Education for noncompliant/non-adherent patients

Confidence to change behavior of noncompliant/non-adherent patients

Cognitive domain (knowledge)

Disease management

1: not understood - 4: understood


13 - 52

How to apply evidence-based medicine to clinical practice

Pathophysiology of diseases

Treatments for diseases

Examinations for diseases

Self-management education

Outline of care coordination

Care coordination: stratification skills

Care coordination: healthcare collaboration/local cooperation

Care coordination: necessary healthcare resources

Patient education

Cognitive behavioral therapy/cognitive behavior theory

Study method: study design, data management

Psychomotor domain (skills)

Health assessment (incl. physical examination): 18 items

1: not achieved - 4: achieved


46 - 184

Patient education in self-management for behavioral change: 11 items

Tele-communication skills: 7 items

Communication with physicians: 5 items

Attitude and manner as a professional: 5 items