-I am likely to use learning innovations that have been tested and proven effective by others in my area.

-I am likely to use learning innovations tested and proved to be effective by myself.


-It must be easy to change the learning innovation I would use to do whatiI want it to do.

-I am more inclined to use a learning innovation that I am able to change or adjust to suit my needs.

-I am more likely to adopt and use a learning innovation when I am actively involved in customizing it to fit my unique situation.

Students’ requirements and expectations

-Before deciding to use a learning innovation, it must be clear how it can help me meet or exceed my students' expectations.

-Knowing about my students’ requirements allows me to use an appropriate learning innovation.

-Using a learning innovation helps me meet or exceed my students’ expectations.

-The choice of what learning innovation I use is not dependent on whether it can help me fulfil my students’ requirements or not.

Students’ learning

-Before deciding to use a learning innovation, it must be clear how it can improve students’ learning.

-The learning innovation I use must help improve students’ learning.

-Understanding how my students learn best will help me to use the appropriate learning innovation.

-I evaluate the learning innovation I use to ensure that it enhances my students’ learning.

Behavioural intention

-I intend to use a learning innovation in the near future.

-I predict I would use a learning innovation in the near future.

-I plan to use a learning innovation in the near future.