
Research Question

What to be observed

Data Collection Strategy


What is the noticeable impact on socioeconomic indicators, namely education, health and food production?

Sample and analyze the impact of climate variability on socioeconomic indicators, namely education, health and food production.

Quantitative: use of statistical records to sample and describe the relationship between climate variability and impact on education, health and food production.


How and to what extent women are able to recognize climate variability and its impact on education, health and food security?

Describe women’s ability to recognize climate variability and its impact on education, health and food security.

Qualitative: use of in-depth interviews to detail and recount women’s phenomena and symbols of interaction in relation to climate variability and its impact on education, health and food security within their socioeconomic context.


What adaptive mechanisms do women use to cope with the impact of climate variability?

Identify and explain adaptive mechanisms women use to cope with the impact of climate variability.

Qualitative: utilization of in-depth interviews to understand women’s experience and actions or steps in place to minimize the impact of climate to improve their livelihoods.