Facies code


Sedimentary structures

Depositional process and interpretation


Matrix supported cobble to conglomerate rounded to sub rounded; fine-to medium sand coarse may be pebble; poorly sorted.

Massive ferruginous lamination.

Cohesive debris flow [13] .


Claystone (light grey, 5YRN˚6), silteous, pyriteous, fine-grained sandstone (<2 mm), poorly sorted.

Mould of pyritic gastropod

Low energy; deposition from suspension or from weak traction current [12] .


Claystone/siltstones with layers of silt (moderated red color, 5R5/4); fine grained of sandstone (<2 mm); micaceous, crumbly piles to aggregates pyrite.

Fine horizontal laminated

Low energy; deposition from suspension or from weak traction current [12] .


Claystones with layers of silt (yellowish-orange color, 10YRN˚4) fine grained of sandstone (<2 mm) without pyrite.

Fine horizontal laminated

Low energy; deposition from suspension or from weak traction current [12] .


Claystones (yellow brown color, 10YR6/6); organic matter fine grained of sandstone (<2 mm) without pyrite.


Low energy; deposition from suspension or from weak traction current [12] .