Exercise Based Approach

Kegels pelvic floor exercise [12] [13]

Medicinal Approach

Allopathic Medicine

Seratonin-noradrenaline uptake inhibitors—duloxetine [12]

Estrogens [12]

Antimuscarinic drugs—trospium, darifenacin [12]

Mixed Action drugs—flavoxate, oxybutynin [12]

Toxins—botulinum toxin, resiniferatoxin [12]

Complimentary/Natural Medicine

Gosha-jinki-gan [14]

Capsaicin (exclude seeds) [14]

Pumpkin seed oil [15]

Device-Based Approach

Vaginal cones—weighted device and is held by contraction of pelvic floor muscles to keep the device in place [12]

Pessaries—inserted into the vagina to maintain the location of organs in the pelvic region [12]

Low voltage electrical stimulation—stimulates muscles or nerves to reduce incontinence [12]