High sulphidation or Sulfuric acid (alunite(

Low sulphidation or Adularia-sericite

The study area

(South of Takestan(

Tectonic position

arc Islands and continental margins

rich type of Sulfur in arc Islands and continental margins and weak type of Sulfur in traction conditions in arcs as well as post-orogenic nditions

continental margins Continental volcanic arc, Urmia- Dokhtar zone

Volcanic stones

Mainly andesite and rhyodacite

Andesite, rhyodacite, rhyolite

Andesite, trachyandesite

Alteration zones

With cross and clear expansion

With low and non-clear expansion

Low to moderate expansion

The key alteration minerals

crystallized Alunite on the surface and pyrophyllite in the deep

Cervisitis or illite + adularia, Rose colitis in deposits associated with alkaline stones and in some cases chlorite

Alunite in Argillic-alunite zone, adularia has also been observed


Fine and bulk, Fine and bulk, mainly with succession origin

Chalcedony or quartz with cortex species, chloroform, blade, Chasma Filling Kakadu

Coarse and crystallized with Gulf texture and Geodetic and Kakadu, also in form of fine and substitution

Other tailings

Barite with great expansion which is combined with mineral, Chasma filling sulfur is present

Barite of fluorite exists locally and barite can be found at the top of mineralized mass

Quartz, Sericitization, clay

Sulfide minerals’ values

10 to 90% Volume percentage, mainly fine and some form of pyrite layer

1 to 20% Volume percentage, but mainly less than 5% Volume percentage , pyrite

4 to 6% Volume percentage, mainly pyrite

The key sulfide minerals

copper Sulphosalts (Enargite) and copper and copper-iron sulfides (chalcocite, covellite, bornite) are common and are formed after pyrite

Sphalerite, galena and tetrahedrite are common. Copper is present mainly as chalcopyrite.

Copper, mainly as chalcopyrite and colitis along with pyrite

Existing metals

Cu, Au, As (Ag, Pb)

Au or Ag (Cu, Pb, Zn)

Cu, Fe, Au, Ag, Mo

Metals that are topical

BI, SB, Mo, Sn, Zn, Te(Hg)

Sb, As (Te, Se, Hg)

Hg, AS

The ratio of sulfur to metal in sulfide minerals




Nature of the fluid deposit mechanism

Acidic, rich in sulfur and oxides

Neutral, pitch of sulfur and redox

Acidic, rich in sulfur and oxides

The source of fluid deposit mechanism

Mainly with magmatic fluid

Mainly containing meteoric water

ainly magmatic hydrothermal fluids and meteoric fluids

Association with porphyry deposits

Gold deposits have been formed in upper parts of copper-gold deposits and porphyry copper molybdenum and simultaneously with these deposits (West Pacific arc islands, Philippines and Central Andes, Chile)

Gold deposits around porphyry copper deposits in the Philippines

Gold mineralization associated with copper in the upper part and the possible presence of porphyry copper in below and greater depths