

The Stockholm Conference on the Human Environment, 1972

The issuance of the Human Environment Declaration. The presentation of an action plan and 106 recommendations, all emphasizing the dependence of humans on the environment and how to shape it. The rational use of resources, pollution reduction, universal environmental education, environmental research, the establishment of international organizations, the creation of the United Nations Environmental Program, and the designation of June 5th as World Environment Day were among its achievements (Baker, 2015; Kennet, 1972) .

The Rio Summit, also known as Agenda 21, 1992

It outlines how to move towards sustainable development for more/less developed countries and specifies the actions that need to be taken by the global community to reconcile development with the environment (Blowers & Evans, 1997; Desai & Potter, 2008) .

The World Summit on Sustainable Development, Johannesburg, 2002

This conference gave rise to concepts such as sustainable lifestyles, environmentally compatible municipalities, and sustainable regions, ultimately leading to the formation of various bases for regional sustainability in administrative, economic, cultural, and national dimensions with specific environmental characteristics (Button, 2002; Hens & Nath, 2005) .