
Score after one year

Median (range) p Value

1. More/less satisfied with current treatment

3 (0 - 3)


2. More/less perceived hyperglycemia

−2 (−3 - 2)


3. More/less perceived hypoglycemia

−2 (−3 - 1)


4. More/less convenience of current treatment

3 (0 - 3)


5. Flexibility of current treatment

3 (0 - 3)


6. More/less satisfied with own understanding of diabetes

2 (0 - 3)


7. Recommend present treatment in comparison to previous

3 (0 - 3)


8. Satisfied to continue present treatment in comparison to previous

3 (0 - 3)


Overall satisfaction score in comparison to previous

16 (0 - 18)
