





Quelch and Klein, 1996; Petersen, Welch, and Liesch 2002; Jean 2007; Singh & Boughton, 2002; Kambil 1995; Sinkovics and Penz 2005; Tsikriktsis, 2002; Forrester Research, 2001; Yip and Dempster, 2005; Berthon, Pitt, and Watson, 1996

Ÿ cost savings

Ÿ efficiency

Ÿ strengthen the brand image

Ÿ culture plays less important role

Ÿ As a “push strategy”

F. Vyncke, and M. Brengman, 2010; K. H. Lim, K. Leung, C. L. Sia, and M. K. Lee, 2004; N. Singh, 2012; N. Singh and D. W. Baack, 2013; N. Singh, O. Furrer, and M. Ostinelli, 2004; P. D. Lynch, and J. C. Beck, 2001; R. R. Sinkovics, M. Yamin, and M. Hossinger, 2007; Kustin 2004; Katsikeas, Samiee and Theodosiou 2006

Ÿ A product orientation, and a product driven strategy solely

Ÿ Ignoring customer behavior and response patterns and market characteristics

Ÿ Disadvantages in terms of vulnerability to competitive attacks

Ÿ Lack of responsiveness to diverse governmental, economical/ecological and socio-cultural settings

Ÿ DOES NOT generate distinctiveness in web-communication

Ÿ CAN NOT maximize market potentials in respective markets

Ÿ Risks; losing competitive advantage.

Ÿ Decision will depend on issues such as product category, industry, competition