Survey Questions

Wrong answer

Correct answer

N (%)

N (%)

Can women get prostate cancer too?

619 (74.2)

215 (25.8)

In case of early diagnosis can prostate cancer be treated?

729 (87.4)

105 (12.6)

Did you know that individuals with a family history of prostate cancer have an increased risk of developing prostate cancer?

511 (61.3)

323 (38.7)

Do you think regular sexual intercourse affects reducing the risk of prostate cancer?

436 (52.3)

398 (47.7)

It is said that standing to urinate has a negative effect on prostate cancer. Do you think this is true?

149 (30.4)

341 (69.6)

Do you think that a rectal examination is the only diagnostic method for prostate cancer?

145 (17.4)

686 (82.6)



Have anyone of your close relative (father, uncle, sibling) prostate cancer?

180 (21.6)

654 (78.4)

Have you had any medical tests for prostate within the last 5 years?

81 (16.5)

409 (83.5)

Are you afraid of prostate examinations?

99 (20.2)

391 (79.8)