Health facility Assessment Indicators

(n = 10 Health Facilities)



Availability of malaria treatment drugs for first-line treatment in MIPs Uncomplicated or severe malaria in all trimesters

Artemether plus lumefantrine ALU (Coartem)

8 (80%)

2 (20%)

Oral Quinine

4 (40%)

6 (60%)

Parenteral Artesunate

2 (20%)

8 (80%)

Availability of antimalarial drugs for second-line treatment in MIPs Uncomplicated or severe malaria in all trimesters

Oral Quinine

4 (40%)

6 (60%)

Parenteral Quinine

2 (20%)

8 (80%)

Availability antimalarial drugs (chemoprevention in pregnancy)

Sulfadoxine/pyrimethamine (SP) fansidar tablet

4 (40%)

6 (60%)

Availability malaria diagnostic tests (mRDTs and microscopy) at the facility

Malaria diagnostic tests mRDT

9 (90%)

1 (10%)


2 (20%)

8 (80%)

Revised national malaria guidelines 2016 available at the health facility

0 (0%)

10 (100%)

Malaria diagnostic tests mRDT uses wall charts available at the health facility

0 (0%)

10 (100%)

Anti-malarial dosing wall charts or brochure available at health facility

4 (40%)

6 (60%)

Clinical algorithm (flow chart) wall charts or brochure at health facility

4 (40%)

6 (60%)

Malaria educational, teaching aides or materials e.g. information and education & communication IEC materials for malaria prevention in pregnancy displayed on wall charts available at the health facility

4 (40%)

6 (60%)

LLINs/ITNs distributed/dispensed to pregnant women at the ANC

0 (0%)

10 (100%)

Health facility currently provide pre-referral treatment for severe malaria before transfer to the inpatient ward

3 (30%)

7 (70%)

Health facility had in place has malaria cases recording and reporting system e.g. a record books, registers and Cards.

10 (100%)

0 (0%)