
Male < Fem


Male > Fem


Male = Fem


New Couple (n = 30)

23.33% (7)

33.33% (10)

43.33% (13)

Z = −1.375, p = 0.169

Couples with small children (n = 40)

15% (6)

20% (8)

65% (26)

Z = −1.101, p = 0.271

Couples with school age children (n = 26)

7.69% (2)

23.07% (6)

69.23% (18)

Z = −1.027, p = 0.305

Couples with Adolescent children (n = 38)

28.95% (11)

31.58% (12)

39.47% (15)

Z = −0.202, p = 0.840

Couples whose children have left home (n = 8)

25% (2)

37.5% (3)

37.5% (3)

Z = −0.412, p = 0.680

Couples in old age (n = 18)

11.11% (2)

27.77% (5)

61.11% (11)

Z = −0.344, p = 0.731

Couples with adult children staying at home (n = 25)

12% (3)

44% (11)

44% (11)

Z = −2.012, p = 0.040*

Total (n = 185)

17.83% (33)

29.73% (55)

52.43% (97)

Z = −2.240, p = 0.025*