Vancouver Obsessional- Compulsive Inventory Revised (VOCI-R)

Gonner, Ecker, Leonhart, & Limbacher, (2010).


1). Contamination

2) Checking

3) Obsessions

a) Immoral

b) Harming

4) Hoarding

5) Symmetry and Ordering

Scores of the 30-item total scale and of all symptom subscales showed good to excellent internal consistency (.82 ≤ α ≤ .95)— Gönner, Ecker, Leonhart & Limbacher, 2010.

Convergent validity: Scores of the total scale and the five symptom subscales demonstrated excellent convergent validity. All VOCI-R subscales showed moderate to high correlations with the OCI-R total scale (rs-range = .47 - .57) and with the PI-PR total scale (rs-range = .43 - .55).

Discriminant validity: of the VOCI-R total scale (rs-range = .34-.39) and the five symptom scales with measures of depression, anxiety and worries (rs-range = .07-.31) indicate only a low to moderate construct overlap— Gönner, Ecker, Leonhart, & Limbacher 2010

Maudsley Obsessional- Compulsive Inventory (MOCI)

Hodgson & Rachman, (1977).


1) Washing

2) Checking

3) Slowness

4) Doubting

Test-retest reliability, 50 participants, completing the questionnaire one month apart (r = .80)—Hodgson & Rachman, (1977).

For 30 obsessionals, we had Leyton Inventory Scores (Cooper, 1970) and found that our “total obsessionality” score correlated significantly with the Leyton Symptom Score

(.6)—Hodgson & Rachman, (1977).

Padua- Inventory- Palatine Revision (PI-PR)

Gönner, Ecker & Leonhart, (2010).


1) Contamination/ Washing

2) Checking

3) Numbers

4) Dressing/ Grooming


6) Harming Obsessions/ Impulses

The total scale and all subscales had acceptable to excellent internal consistency (.78 ≤ α ≤ .93)

Acceptable corrected item-total correlations (r > .40) were found for the PI-R (with one exception: Rumination subscale, Item 121)— Gönner, Ecker & Leonhart, 2010

In the OCD sample the PI-PR and its subscales demonstrated good to excellent convergent validity with corresponding OCI-R scales. On the whole, the PI-PR and its subscales demon­strated very satisfying divergent validity with measures of depression, anxiety, and worries in the OCD sample, except for PI-PR Rumination and PI-PR Harming Impulses and Obsessions.

In the anxiety disorder sample, the PI-PR and its subscales demonstrated good to excellent convergent validity with corresponding OCD scales— Gönner, Ecker & Leonhart, 2010

Padua Inventory (PI)

Sanavio (1988)


1) Impaired Mental Control

2) Contamination

3) Checking Behaviour

4) Loss of Control of Actions


The α coefficient was .90 in male and .94 in female participants—Coles (2003).

Test-retest correlations were 0.78 for males, and .83 for females who filled out the inventory twice at a 30-day interval—Sanavio (1988).

When assessing the convergent and divergent validity of the PI substantial correlations were found between related scales of the PI and the MOCI. The substantial correlation between the total PI scores and the two subscales of the SCL-90-R, Sensitivity and

Hostility, are in line with the findings reported in Millar (1983) —van Oppen (1992).

Leyton Obsessional Inventory

Cooper (1970)


1) Resistance Scale.

2) Inference Scale.

The Leyton Obsessional Inventory (LOI) is a card-sort task that has shown good reliability and validity estimates (Cooper, 1970; Taylor, 1995)

“Within the limits imposed by these selected criterion groups, this inventory is valid, since it differentiates between the obsessional patients and the normals with very little overlap” —Cooper, 1970.